
Welcome to the Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition, sponsored by Adversa AI, CUJO AI, Robust Intelligence, and Microsoft.
Please find the official results of the MLSEC 2021 at https://cujo.com/announcing-the-winners-of-the-2021-machine-learning-security-evasion-competition/.
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The 2022 MLSEC competition is over, congratulations to the winners:
Phishing track
  1. Biagio Montaruli
  2. Tobia Righi
Face recognition track
  1. Alex Meinke
  2. Zhe Zhao
More information about the competition and the top solutions are published on our blog.


*all times are Anywhere on Earth (AoE)


Prizes are detailed in the contest rules. Briefly, they include:
  • Phishing Challenge
    1. First Place: $3000 USD cash equivalent / gift card
    2. Second Place: $1500 USD cash equivalent / gift card
  • Facerecognition Challenge
    1. First Place: $3000 USD cash equivalent / gift card
    2. Second Place: $1500 USD cash equivalent / gift card
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